I've been thinking about giving an advice column a go. Since I call my blog Tech-n-Stuff, I figured I'd offer advice on a wide variety of topics, anything from standard tech support (of a general nature) to writing, to presentations (academic and business), to relationships and sex. I'll pick a few questions out of any that are submitted and answer or expound upon them. All questions will be handled as anonymous, meaning I won't reveal your identifying details in answering the question. I reserve the right to select the questions I answer out of all those submitted, this means your question might not be answered publicly. I reserve the right to answer some questions privately as my choice. If you would like to submit a question to be answered privately, you must specify "private answer only" when submitting the question. Failure to do so means it might be answered publicly. Finally, I reserve the right to group questions by topic and answer them in that fashion rather than answering them in the order they were submitted.
How to submit a question:
Send all questions to technstuffblogadvice@gmail.com